2015年12月30日 星期三


Recognizing the Emotional Needs of the Person with Alzheimer's Disease

Because of difficulty with language skills, individuals with Alzheimer's disease are often unable to express their emotions. This video will help viewers discover why it is important to encourage emotional well-being and to assess the emotions of patients, especially those who have difficulty communicating. In a discussion with nursing assistants, Dr. Rabins explores the long ignored reality of the importance of the emotional well-being of the Alzheimer's patients. Nursing assistants explain why a patient's emotions are key to quality care. "If you understand their emotional needs, the rest of their care just falls into place."


Nursing assistants in this DVD explain that by knowing their residents they can easily tell if a person is more confused than usual, sad, frightened, or happy. They explain the importance of observing the resident's body language, facial expressions, and willingness to engage. For Alzheimer's patients, calling out, wandering, refusing to eat, and changes in sleep patterns may all be signals of emotional need. This program includes patient footage, and interactive staff discussions.



2021.5月 新片清單

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