2015年12月30日 星期三

2015年。阿茲海默症專題:involving the Alzheimer patient.

The guide for providing quality of life for the Alzheimer patient : maintaining independence and involving the Alzheimer patient.

This DVD filmed on-location in a nursing home, includes a discussion with nursing assistants lead by Dr. Peter V. Rabins as well as resident vignettes showing how staff encourage independence. Content includes: the importance of finding out how much a resident can do for themselves; maximizing the independence of a person with Alzheimer's disease by guiding and cueing; and using positive reinforcement to encourage residents to do as much as possible for themselves. 

Dr. Rabins meets with several residents and the nursing assistants caring for them. In discussions with the staff member, he reviews the resident's functional capability and ways to promote function. Content includes: encouraging independence; developing individualized plans responsive both to the stage of the disease and the previous interests of the individual; using cueing and demonstration to guide the resident; avoiding activities that will be frustrating or potentially cause catastrophic reactions; and knowing when to revise plans to meet changing needs of the patient. For residents, the opportunity to maintain as much independence for as long as possible is the key to their well-being. One caregiver notes, "Once you find the door, you'll be amazed at what residents can do and what a difference it makes in their life."



2021.5月 新片清單

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